Definition of Jet lag

1. Noun. Fatigue and sleep disturbance resulting from disruption of the body's normal circadian rhythm as a result of jet travel.

Generic synonyms: Fatigue, Tiredness, Weariness

Definition of Jet lag

1. Noun. A physical condition caused by crossing time zones during flight; often the result of disruption to the circadian rhythms of the body. ¹

¹ Source:

Medical Definition of Jet lag

1. An imbalance of the normal circadian rhythm resulting from subsonic or supersonic travel through a varied number of time zones and leading to fatigue, irritability, and various functional disturbances. (05 Mar 2000)

Lexicographical Neighbors of Jet Lag

jet black
jet bridge
jet bridges
jet d'eau
jet ejector pump
jet engine
jet engines
jet fighter
jet fighters
jet injection
jet injector
jet lag
jet lags
jet machine
jet nebuliser
jet off
jet pack
jet packs
jet plane
jet propulsion
jet set
jet sets
jet setter
jet setters
jet setting
jet ski

Literary usage of Jet lag

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Vancouver, Victoria and Whistler by Ulysses Travel Guides Staff (2006)
"jet lag and Travel Sickness The discomfort caused by major jet lag is unavoidable. There are tricks to help reduce its effects, but the best way to recover ..."

2. Legacy in the Sand: Chemical Command in Operations Desert Shield & Desert Storm. (1993)
"jet lag, psychological stress, physical exertion, and the lack of acclimatization, all coupled with the heat, would significantly compromise performance ..."

3. Adventure Guide Vietnam, Laos & Cambodia by Janet Arrowood (2006)
"Minimizing Jet-Lag Get enough rest. When you take the dry air and cramped conditions of an ... There are lots of tips out there for dealing with jet lag. ..."

4. Cancun by Ulysses Travel Guides Staff (2004)
"jet lag and Travel Sickness The discomfort caused by major jet lag is unavoidable. There are tricks to help reduce its effects, but the best way to recover ..."

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